Balling has
no age

Born with unhinged ambition and a dogged desire for wealth, these Billionaire Babies were destined for greatness from the moment they took their first breaths of air. Instead of Cailou and Elmo, these young G's watched every Tai Lopez, Grant Cardone, and Gary Vaynerchuk video... twice.

Ready for the next leg of their life mission, 10,000 Billionaire Babies are crawling onto the ERC-20 blockchain, forming the strongest alliance of digital hustlers the space has ever seen.


Rabbis Like You've Never seen them before...
Place 1
Rabbis Like You've Never seen them before...
Place 3
Rabbis Like You've Never seen them before...
place 2


We aim to provide digital opportunity to individuals across the globe. Dual processed, our mint, as well as our community roadmap, is structured to provide tangible connections and outlets for holders.

View our roadmap and join our Discord to see how we plan on shifting the way digital hustlers connect

Lake Las Vegas Sports Club in Henderson, NV

Billionaire Baby Daycare

They balled before they could crawl, they don't take no for an answer, and you can best believe they have the most exclusive table at every restaurant they go to. This is the Billionaire Baby lifestyle.

Become a member of the most financially prosperous daycare in history by minting your very own Billionaire Baby below.

Mint a B.B.
10,000 of 10,000 available
0.07 ETH per Billionaire Baby

The Roadmap

Phase 1
Initial sale of Billionaire Baby Daycare, featuring a free mint for the first 300 individuals to purchase.
Phase 2
Billionaire Baby Zoom Mastermind - 1 week after mint
Phase 3
Billionaire Baby DAO launch where 70% of secondary goes to community DAO. Launching 2 weeks after mint.
Phase 4
Staking launch. Stake your NFT to get tokens from the DAO - Launching 2 weeks after mint.
Phase 5
The great Billionaire hiring conference. 20 Mods from Community will be given monthly Mod Roles. Launching 3 weeks after mint.
Phase 6
Release of The Great Billionaire game. Roadmap 2.0 Reveal.


Community Manager


Who are the Billionaire Babies?

The images & Billionaire Baby Daycare metadata will be released after the initial mint of the project. We will update collectors via our Discord with the date/time of when the content will be available. Once the metadata is updated, your Billionaire Baby will appear on OpenSea, with rarity tools and rankings shortly releasing following the reveal.

How do I get my Billionaire Baby?

The images & Billionaire Baby Daycare metadata will be released after the initial mint of the project. We will update collectors via our Discord with the date/time of when the content will be available. Once the metadata is updated, your Billionaire Baby will appear on OpenSea, with rarity tools and rankings shortly releasing following the reveal.

How much is each Billionaire Baby?

The cost of each B.B. is set at .07 ETH for presale, with the public sale price coming shortly after. For more information, please visit our discord community.

What can I do with my Billionaire Baby?

You are free to do anything with them under a non-exclusive license. Want to make it your profile picture? Go for it. Want to make your own Billionaire Baby Daycare T-shirt? Send it! Want to make your own fan-art with your Baby? The world is yours.


the daycare...

Balling has no age limits...

Ga Ga goo goo
where the F*ck
is my bread